
Wide variety of broadband antennas up to 40 GHz

Com-Power EMI / EMC broadband and tuned antennas cover the frequency range of 9 kHz - 40 GHz. Most electronic products are required meet the various international EMC regulatory standards before they are introduced to the market. Com-Power provides a wide range of EMI antennas and accessories. We also have the capabilities to assist you with custom EMC antennas for special applications to meet your exact needs.Contact us today to learn more about our EMC broadband test antennas.

AHA-118: Active Horn Antenna
Active Horn Antenna >>

Com-Power broadband AHA-118 and AHA-840 Active Horn antennas have an integrated preamplifier to amplify low-level signals immediately at the antenna output during electromagnetic interference testing. With this arrangement, t...

active loop antenna
Active Loop Antenna >>

We engineered Com-Power AL-130R Active Loop Antennas for emissions testing for the range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz. With its remote access, you can monitor and control the antenna from as far as 30 mtrs.

active monopole antenna
Active Monopole Antenna >>

Com-Power Active Monopole (or rod) Antenna is designed exclusively for use as an EMI test antenna, typically in a shielded or screened room. Ideal for determining compliance with MIL-STD-461 or DO-160 standards, it features a frequency range of 9 ...

biconical antenna
Biconical Antennas >>

Com-Power biconical antennas are ideal for vertical and horizontal normalized site attenuation (NSA) measurements, as well as for emissions and immunity testing to a wide range of FCC, CISPR, EN and other standards.

combilog antenna
Combilog Hybrid Antennas >>

As a receiving antenna, the ACL-6000 operates from 30 MHz to 6 GHz, and as a transmitting antenna, it operates from 80 MHz to 6 GHz. The Com-Power AC-220 Combilog Antenna is optimized for emission and immunity testing. Combining biconical and log ...

dipole antenna set
Dipole Antenna Set >>

Considered a reference antenna for EMI testing, we designed the AD-100A tuned dipole antenna set to American National Standard C63.4 specifications. Use it to calibrate other antennas or for EMI test site calibrations.

log periodic antenna
Log Periodic Antennas >>

Log periodic antennas make excellent EMC broadband test antennas for verifying compliance with worldwide regulatory requirements. Lightweight and compact, but rugged enough for use in any environment, Com-Power products reliably deliver a smooth r...

horn antennas
Passive Horn Antennas >>

Use Com-Power horn antennas for emissions measurements and immunity testing. We offer both passive and active horn antennas and accessories for EMI testing. All of our horn antennas feature high gain and sensitivity, and o...

passive loop antenna
Passive Loop Antennas >>

Com-Power manufactures three passive loop antennas specifically for MIL-STD-461, RE101, radiated emissions, magnetic field; and RS101, radiated susceptibility, magnetic field.

van veen triple loop antenna system
Van Veen Triple Loop Antenna >>

The ALT-930-2M is a Triple large loop antenna system (LAS) used for magnetic field induced-current measurement in X, Y & Z planes from 9 kHz to 30 MHz as specified in CISPR 15 (EN55015) & CISPR 16-1-4.


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